3M™ Twist 'n Fill™ 11L Bonnet Cleaner - 2 L, Gray Cap

3M™ Twist 'n Fill™ 11L Bonnet Cleaner - 2 L, Gray Cap

Item # 3M-25981

  • Excellent surface cleaner for lightly soiled carpets. Designed to work with 3M[TM] Carpet Protection to maintain excellent appearance.
  • Yield per 2 Liter bottle: 26 ready-to-use gallons
  • Gray Cap
2 L, Low Flow, 6/cs
Manufacturer Item #25981

Low flow for use in filling bottles. Use with carpet cleaning bonnet or 3M™ Scotch-Brite™ Carpet Cleaning Pad. Ready-to-use product with neutral pH is safe for cleaning nylon stain-resistant carpets.